Saturday, 20 June 2009

Installation and first impressions

Well hello there people
this is my first blog so hi


Installation, not a problem, when i first set my netbook up, i was thinking about putting Linux on the second partition, though i didn't, after i set up Linux on a memory stick and booted through that in through virtualisation, though when i realised the resolution was too large, and further research, made me realise that installing Linux on here was a bad idea, then i was hearing all this hype over windows 7, how it would run on a netbook, so i thought id give that a shot instead, so i did that.

Went to college, took my netbook with me, and noticed something which i hadn't really ever noticed before, and that was Winrar icon, over an ISO file (an ISO file is a snapshot of a disc, where as Winrar, is a program used to unpackage the file, like Windows does with a ZIP file), and using , confused me at first, so i thought id give it a shot, and it worked, all the installation files were there, so i booted from that, and i didn't have a single issue, left my netbook on for about 30mins, and i was sorted. Everything was installed, and i was able to use everything, set up my user account and password, and went on to explore 7.

Searching through the themes, i was amazed about how local the themes were, i never thought Microsoft would ever decide to take pictures outside of their own habitat, though, through further research, there are theme for about 7 countries (not many but i hope they improve on that), with the shots of some places i had never heard of, but with some other shots (though that was only one) which i had heard of, which made me think how much of the UK I'm actually missing out on, well anyways, that's geography, not computing. The themes are fresh, vivid, very detailed. With changing from one to the other so much easier, it would've been great if this was in XP, i know this is in vista, i had a vista laptop, had it for 13 days and thought, forget this, too many BSoD's issues and in some cases lack of compatibility (this was October 08 with sp1 installed) Though i did like the look of vista, i did try to set it out to get it as much as i possibly could to get the look, granted i didn't get the feel of it, though you never do with a new skin. Currently, with the basic skin, without Aero, since i feel i don't really need to see whats behind me, so i just stick with the opaque skins, also known as, "Basic".

The Startbar, is something i do like, how it doesn't feel too crowded, how you can drag and drop your most used icons and keep them there, view desktop bottom right hand corner, which is handy if your wanting to see your current status of your computer, or just hover over it and its there, nothing is minimized, just "faded". Though i have contradicted myself with Aero, but ill get back to that. With XP, i felt as if i was being overloaded with information with the bar at the bottom right, well, now i don't, iv got everything which i need, Battery, Wifi, Sound loudness thing (what is it called). If i need more, i just click the little arrow, and there more, and now, it doesn't push all of my programs into a little tiny rectangle, or onto another line as in some cases, but a box pops up just above it. Which, i feel is very helpful. The Start button, granted i am missing the "Start" text but i do feel as if it is a program, like iTunes, windows media player, or FireFox, anyways, (i drift on a bit don't i) like with vista, i feel as if everything i need is right there, I'm not waiting forever to load up "Programs", with everything just kept to a minimum. I'm not needing to go through another little box to shut down, it just does it, i don't need to go rooting through 500 folders to get to one song which iv been meaning to add to iTunes, just go to "Music" and its there, all of my music. (currently taken over by every muse song iv bought) Everything is easy to access, and i like it, even Control Panel is, though, as always, its still a maze. Going back to the bar, I LOVE HOW YOU CAN JUST RIGHT CLICK ON THE ICON (take windows media player for instance) AND JUST CLICK ON THE FILE WHICH YOU HAVE RECENTLY WATCHED, i love it, i saves so much time rooting for the file you had up about 2 hours ago. Why couldn't they of just do that in the first place.

The Games, i'm happy they have kept chess in. I was playing chess online, which sometimes drove me mad when i wasn't able to learn from my mistakes, i just failed, but now i have a computer to play against, where i'm gradually, getting better. Though that is also the only game i have currently played, but the speed at which is loads, and the graphics, i was surprised my dedicated 128mb ATi Radeon xpress 200 graphics card on my desktop cant handle it. Which did slightly confuse me a bit, seeing as, if you don't know, is 256mb shared graphics card, which may seem more, (if you don't really know much about graphics) when really is isn't. The game, with its background, just seems to fit perfectly, so good on job on the decorator.

The speed, i have to admit, through various sites iv read up on, isn't something which i could go on about of how great it is. This to me, is the downfall. Granted, as it says when i boot up, this is windows 7 ultimate, which really, should be on an Intel Dual Core or AMD Phenom, with at least 2gb of ram. I have noticed, which the help of the kind people at crystaldisk, is that my hard drive seems to be warmer than it is with XP, with this, i am also noticing my left thigh being considerably warmer, which isn't such a good thing when your wearing jeans. Furthermore, my CPU usage, is through the roof. Something which, I'm not understanding, though i will ask for other peoples advice, to how they have dealt with this issue through another post. This for me, has kinda ruined the prospect of this being my main OS, since iv had to recently format a memory stick to be used as RAM, since as I'm a student, don't ever have any money to buy anything.

Compatibility, i cant believe so much works, and this is without virual XP mode. Everything i have seems to work, well the things iv tried but it still works, which surprises me. This makes me think that this time, microsoft arnt thinking about how good its going to be, they are thinking about the mistakes they made the last time, and are putting everything theyve got, into fixing it. Something they finally did with 2000 and XP. For once, an AVI file works on windows media player, i dont know if any of you have had any issues with playing an AVI with windows media player, but i know for sure i have.

Well, i think thats is for this, i hope you've enjoyed reading this, and i hope you can tune in for more, and thank you


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